Sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest difference. A silly tiktok post changed the entire trajectory of the last few years. Through a series of photography projects based on a teen with cancer, Glimpse of Gold was born. The purpose being to make a positive impact on the lives of patients battling childhood cancer, while supporting a local Rochester non-profit.


Pictured is the projects that inspired the creation of Glimpse of Gold. Kara, who was a dance major at The University at Buffalo was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and underwent an above the knee amputation. In an effort to incorporate Grace’s Garden, which was Kara’s “happy place” during treatment into this project I built wooden structures that displayed the images and written stories of her treatment, as well as hanging flowers from the ceiling that viewers could interact with. The goal was to have the viewers walk into this bright and beautiful space and become engaged and moved with the story.

  • Packaging

    Pictured above is the box that was given to kid going through treatment at Golisnao Children’s Hospital. Designed entirely by myself, the goal was to create a packaging that was warm and welcoming, just like the contents inside.

  • Contents

    Inside the box were all products to help bring some light to the kids dark days. A beanie embroidered with the quote “Only sunshine ahead”, a wristband, and hand designed stickers with words of affirmation. Everything based around the color gold, for childhood cancer awareness.


Furthering the effort to make a difference, I collaborated with C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Association. All donations went directly to C.U.R.E. and when donations were made the boxes went to the kids. The next step was advertising the project to the public with hopes to spark their interest in Glimpse of Gold and its purpose.

Pictured on the left is Glimpse of Gold being presented as an exhibition at Rochester Institute of Technology's annual Imagine RIT festival on April 23, 2022.

Pictured on the right is C.U.R.E.’s Survivors Day Picnic, held on June 5, 2022, where parts of Glimpse of Gold’s boxes were handed out to kids and their families.